On Friday, March 24, 2023, the Billerica Council on Aging welcomes a group of healthcare professionals from Singapore’s Tan Tock Seng Hospital, for a lively discussion about the role of senior services in contributing to the health and wellbeing of seniors in their communities. By sharing experience and best practices in the US and Singapore, representatives from both organizations can learn and exchange ideas to improve service delivery.

The Billerica Council on Aging plays a vital role in the community in many ways including helping hospitalized seniors connect with in-home services to pave the way back home while minimizing the risk of readmission. In addition, the Billerica Senior Center offers a wide range of programs and activities designed to inspire, integrate, energize, and support seniors to enhance health and wellbeing.
Project Red Solutions founders, Irving Stackpole, Elizabeth Ziemba, and Dr. Brian Jack thank the Billerica Council on Aging, especially its Director, Ms. Jean Patel Bushnell, for their participation and contributions to this program.